Saturday, 1 August 2015


This is Dotty.

 She (it's a she!) has been in our lives for pretty much two years. We got given her by Marks mum when the boys were born. She didn't actually become an integral part in our lives though until Fin was about 9/10 months old. Since then, she has NEVER left his side.

 Now let me tell you, when we first got Dotty, she was plump, pristine Jelly Cat toy with her blue and white stripes easily distinguishable from each other and every thing intact. Fast forward 2 years later and we are left with a saggy, faded toy that once resembled an animal. The stripes have faded, one ear is considerably stained from all the sucking and she has had minor surgery along the way. She has endured many trips the washing machine and has been dropped in and smeared with ... well I don't even want to think, but let me just say that im sure there's not even cures for the diseases that donkey is carrying. Oh yeah, by the way, its a donkey. (Ok its actually a Zebra, Twibble Zebra to be exact, but to Fin, its always been a donkey). She ended up with the name Dotty because Fin first couldn't say Donkey, so it kinda stuck.


Now Fin has always chewed dottys ears for comfort. Every. Single. Night. She also is with us during dinner, when watching TV when having a bath and generally every where Fin is.

She has travelled with us everywhere. She has been to Wales, the Cotswolds, Sydney, Melbourne, London, Nottingham, Birmingham, and will be coming to Lanzarote in October im sure.


Its always been a fear of mine of losing her. I cannot even imagine the total destruction that would occur if we didnt have Dotty at bedtime. It give me chills thinking about it. It worried me so muich that I did try adn look for another one. Guess what? Two words - LIMITED EDITION! F*****g great! I must have spent hours and hours googling every single shop in the UK and Europe amd further ashore looking for this creature. It was sold out everywhere. I put a plea out on facebook for anyone that has one, or knows of one or that could just look for me next time they were shopping. But sadly that was fruitless. Until one day....

I found it on Ebay. FINALLY!!! I thought all my dreams had come through, until I saw how popular it was. Yeah there was quite a lot of interest in this thing. So i out my bid in, I cant remember how much the initial bidding started at but it went up and up and up. So much so, that I was outbid in the final seconds and This damn Zebra/Donkey hybrid went for £52.00!! It cost just £12.00 when it first came out so you can imagine the relief on mark face when I told him I had not just spend £52.00 on a stuffed toy. However, minutes later I had a message from the seller saying that she actually had another one available and that I could have it for my last bid which was £49.00. Unbeleivable! I had another one on the way. If we lose the original I can just Present this new one and all will be well.

No. It didn't happen. The new one arrived and we showed her to Fin. He was having none of it. Wont go near her. Wont even contemplate hugging her. So we have a disgusting dotty and and a lovely new one at home. Luckily Sammy doesn't mind new Dotty so he will occasionally take her to bed with him. So all is not lost!

 Dotty has never EVER not been with Fin in bed at night. I imagine that her will eventually grow out of her or she will become so rancid and thread bare that she will no longer stand up but I'm happy for her to stay until that happens. After all, she looks pretty happy.

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