They are being fairly consistent with their sleep - apart from right this minute! (Currently 21.30 and Sammy is wide awake saying "bubble, bubble, POP!" over and over which is keeping Fin up!)
Their speech is really coming along. I had a chat with a speech therapist the other day who said the are totally on track! Parenting win! They have about 20 words in total but can understand a lot more which is mildly concerning (*mental note - curb the swearing). They are great at animal noises and will try and repeat a lot of words if you ask them to. There's a lot that I would understand that other people wouldn't which Is just the result of being with them all day. Stuff like "burr" for bus and " meeeaaaaa" for meow. But anyway I'm not at all concerned.
Here's a few pics of what we've been up to.
As you can see, Fin still loves his donkey and Sam still has a dummy and a cloth. I'm not to worried about the donkey and cloth as they will grow out of them in their own time. May have to arrange a call to the dummy fairy soon though soon.
They are great being out on their reins - although I still wouldn't brave a supermarket yet without some sort of restraining device!
So we pretty much have one activity to do each day. Whether it's a play group or childrens centre visit or seeing my mum. Ooh which brings us onto some exciting news. First night without the boys on Saturday!!! For a whole night!! Hurrah!!! Well, we will see. We are at a wedding so Nana and Papa have bravely stepped up to challenge of having these two ferrel animals for a whole night. They will either be little angels or utter monsters but we will check in at 9.30 and see how it goes. Judging by Sammy's vocal performance this evening though - I don't think it will be an early night!
Will update after the event!
Ah what bliss! It is quiet at last! Night all!
Btw, this is a nap picture from the other day after I attempted a fringe cut - can u tell? X
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