Thursday, 10 July 2014

What's for lunch today?

I had a great idea the other day to help the boys with their eating. They are not terrible but could do with a little encouragement. So here it is!

Ice cube snack tray. In my experience, toddlers love little food so this was met with complete delight when they first saw it.

Not that they look that delighted, but I promise you, there were smiles.

In there I had, chopped turkey, cheese, home made frittata, chopped meatballs, grapes and cous cous.

This was the end result which wasn't too bad.  They left the frittata and grapes but ate everything else. Next time I'm going to do a sweet one. I wonder how Nutella will go down in one if those squares. Probably a bit like this . . . 

Until next time x

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