Thursday, 8 May 2014

The week we got sick

 So last week, mark was in Hong Kong with work. I was kind of looking forward to looking after the boys alone for the week as I had never actually put them to bed on my own before after a whole 16 months!

I know it's not like the most difficult thing in the world, but 24/7 for a week looked a little scary. Anyway, the week started brilliantly with the boys going to bed really well and only waking at 5am for some milk then back to sleep till 8.30am - this NEVER happens. I was on a roll - I thought!

Books at bedtime. My favourite time of the day. 

Wednesday night things started to fall apart a little with a really unsettled night where I was up lots with both of them. Thursday morning, I was greeted with (warning TMI) a bed of sick. Ok, I thought, I can deal with this. But that's when the rest happened. To cut it short, both boys had sickness and diarrhea bugs. All day. Nothing would stay in and I must have gone through about 20 nappies and numerous sets of PJ's, After it going so we'll, they had to get a bug this week. To make it worse, my mum had cooked a roast dinner for us for that night which sadly we had a to decline due to our quarantine. 

Thursday night things got a bit better with the boys sleeping kind of ok and no nappy changes thank god till the morning. I think it was the blue powerade and rich tea biscuits that was the cure. I was prepaid though for all eventualities with spare pajamas, vests, water proof sheets on the cots and a whole military style changing station at the ready. Luckily, I didn't need it. 

A very sad Fin. 

Friday things seemed calmer and we managed to get out the house, things were still not quite right though with Fin developing a rash and still not much appetite and both of them being generally miserable so it was a trip to the doctors which concluded the bane of toddlers lives, the virus. Some mythical medical condition which seems to always explain away any minor fevers or rashes!

I think it took about 4 days in the end for them to seem a bit brighter. It's amazing how much you notice the difference when they are well to when they are sick. I have learnt to appreciate the well days. 

When mark came home he was so tired and a bit off too. And guess what - he caught the bug. Whether it was from Hong Kong, the plane or the boys we are not sure but he still is a bit bad. 

So here I have been, surrounded in sickeness for nearly a week. Oh, now by the way the boys have teeth coming through so even though they are no longer sick, they are dribbly and miserable. Let's hope next week is 100% healthy for us all.

This is the mischief they get up to when they are not poorly! X

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