Thursday, 10 October 2013

What do I do all day?

The question is a hard one to explain really as every day if different. I'm a stay at home mum (apart from Saturdays) and get to spend 6.5 days a week working to keep my children fulfilled, entertained, fed and happy. Doesn't sound too hard right?

Well it's not all hard work and it's not always a walk in the park - well, a few days mostly that's what I do, but  my job isn't 9-5 I don't get coffee breaks, I don't get paid, I don't get to call in sick if I'm not feeling too good. But I wouldn't trade it to go back to full time employment.

Since knowing we would be having to babies, there was always the question about going back to work and would I put my children into a nursery to return full time. The answer was always the same:

1. We couldn't afford to out two children into a nursery and come out with anything at the end of day.
2. Who could look after my children better than me?
3. I do not want to miss out on the most important time of their lives.

So that basically was a no. Here I am, 9 months on and every day gets better. They are learning to be independent little crawlers. I get to sing to them, introduce new foods. Show them different sights. Read them books. Chase the cats together and we can spin around and wrestle on the floor! Where else could you get that one-on-one (sorry, one-on-two) interation? I fully appreciate that for some, nursery is the only option and if that works for them that's great. But for us, as long as the boys need, I will be their teacher, their cook, their nurse, their entertainment, their fun and their comfort. I don't get paid but I bet I get more job satisfaction than most!

Oh, I also teach them to eat sand! They love it! X

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