Monday, 29 July 2013

Baby food attempt 2

Round two and I'm using something a bit sweeter.

Carrot, sweet potato and red pepper. This turns into a lovely shade of orange. Looks like its full of E numbers but I can assure you it's all natural.

Two and a half ice cube trays later and we are done. 

Also made mango and pear purée and just blended it without cooking first. Maybe I could stir it in with baby rice or porridge. I will see what it tastes like first!

I also made broccoli, pear, apple and parsnip purée but have no photos of that one. It was a bit like a pale green slop with darker green bits in. Tasted alright though! 

S at ten moment, once all the ice cube trays have frozen, I'm popping them out and putting them into freezer bags with labels on for future use. That way, I can keep cooking and keep bagging!

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