Thursday, 13 June 2013

Sleep for 6 month olds

So my question is - how do you get two babies to sleep at the same time? Whether it be for naps or their night time sleep. This has been baffling me and Mark for . . . . . Oh about 6 months! 

Well to be honest isn't not as bad as it seems. In the day time it's easy enough to take them out in th buggy and they will normally nap there. If they stay asleep when you walk back in the house then happy days. If not, you may have one awake and one asleep which means an afternoon of non stop parenting for mum!
I would as that the day is more predictable than night. In the day I know that after being awake for about 2 hours, they start to get cranky wand it's time to get too sleep. Currently at night, after a walk at 7.30 ( yes we put out kids to be when we go to bed because it suits us) they are less predictable and we can have upto an hour of fussiness before quietness descends on us. Maybe we are putting them to bed too late. Overtired? Probably. We need to work out a schedule!

Watch out boys - mums got a plan afoot!

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